Sunday, July 29, 2012

Warm water with half a Lemon

Lemons are usually seen as a common part of your household ingredients. Probably few people have known the health benefits of teaming up the lemon and the warm water. It is commonly called, the warm lemon water. Some of you might probably think that lemons are not for everyday consumption especially it is acidic in nature and might cause you to have problems regarding hyperacidity. Well you have to know that there are many wonderful and amazing benefits of associating lemon with a warm water. Even if you do it everyday, it will be just okay.

Each day, we are faced with different choices to make. The choice to be happy, sad, or mad. The choice to be a quitter or a winner for the day. No matter who you are and what you do, choosing to decide for the best involves much of an effort. There are many choices in which we can passionately choose especially when it comes to what we drink in the morning. Many prefer to have coffee while some love to have a glass of orange juice served with their breakfast. But whatever choice you make everyday is a the foundation of how well you will be in the next days. What you choose to eat or to supplement your body for today will be the basis of what your body will be when it comes to resistance to diseases. You can choose to start your busy day with your favorite mug and a warm water in it and a juice from half your lemon. Benefits that you can get from this are just too difficult to not be noticed.


1. Boosts immune system

Lemons can boost your immune system because they are naturally high in Vitamin C which is a brave fighter of colds. Lemons also contain potassium which help stimulate your brain and the function of your nerves. Also, lemons aides control of your blood pressure.

2. Balances the pH in your body 

Yes, lemons are acidic in nature but don't you know that lemons can help balance pH in the body? Lemons are known to be alkaline food. Acidic but when inside your body, they are alkaline. Once metabolized, the citric acid will no longer create acidity in your body.

3. A key to losing weight 

Lemons contain a high level of pectin fiber. Pectin fibers help you control your hunger cravings. Maintaining an alkaline diet will help you lose weight faster.

4. Natural diuretic 

Lemons are known to increase the rate of urination therefore a lemon juice will help flush out toxins in your body. Because of the increase rate of urination, unwanted materials in your body are release faster and totally helps in clearing your urinary tract to keep it a healthy one.

5. Helps clear your skin 

The vitamin c from the lemons help decrease the potential wrinkles and blemishes in your skin. Lemon water will purge the toxins from the blood which helps make the skin clear.

Choosing to embrace making a warm lemon water everyday for a month will definitely give a pleasant experience of the day. Remember, a cup of warm water and a juice from half of your lemon is the recipe that must never be forgotten.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Laugh Out Loud!

A new BLOG to make you laugh! Do away from the stress of life and take time to laugh.

Click the link and laugh! :))

Saturday, March 31, 2012


flood your email of payment notifications 

for just $2 you can turn it into

$500 in 7 days!

no clicking of ads, referring 


Friday, March 9, 2012

Paypal Booster

            Anyone Serious Enough can Replicate What we Have Done

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And Learn The 3 STEPS to make $956 EVERY DAY

Have you been clicking and clicking and clicking, and earn near to ZERO profit for your efforts? Sure you have! And it's sucks right? For obvious reasons some don't click ads on this site but they Still earn much more than you
  There are dirty little secrets among PTC and text ad exchange and safelist professionals that no amateur ever learns on their own... and THEY (the professionals) like it that way so they can make more money quietly in the comfort of their homes.
  These dirty little secret are incredibly simple to master (once they are revealed to you)... and yet they'll INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how little you make right now) to "lock into" your own personal "High income PTC, Text Ad Exchange and Safelist Earner". Which means you will, after you've finished reading this:

How can this be?
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That's right. You're "wasting too much time making pennies", if you're like 99% of the amateur members on this site who're leaving your money on the table.

Let me explain.
If you're like most members here, you think getting more referrals is where the REAL money is, right? At the very least, you get a Dollar or two every once in a while.
Everyone who takes their PTC game seriously does this. I know I did. The professionals however, spend a little time on sites like this but they make much much more

I spend less than 5 Minutes a Day on the same PTC sites you are Laboring hours at and I'm making 1000% more a day than you ever will by playing the PTC game!
If you’re open to the idea of cutting ahead of the pack... If you can see how I'm exploiting technology to work less or barely at all... while laughing all the way to the bank... while everyone else in online remains a slave to the clock...and slave to their workload...
If that's you, I want you to sit back... shut up... and listen up. Because you do need to hear this. Here’s the ironic thing..

But before we continue...

I Turned My PTC Account Into
printing Money On Demand
like a Clock Work
Look I have been exactly where you are at. Desperately trying to make money online just so I could afford to eat. I tried it all but nothing really ever worked the way it was supposed to. I spent hours every day on the internet looking for an answer.
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This program comes with a price and guarantee
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Look honestly I wanted to give this away to help as many people as possible.
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                         Click the Buy Now Button Below

If you want to contact me, feel free to leave a comment. HAPPY EARNING!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Vampire Diaries Season 1-3 (HD)

I have downloaded this and it's great!
Mediafire Password : sky

season 1

Mediafire Password : sky


Mediafire Password : sky
Credits to SKY :)
Enjoy guys!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012


To get the link for your reviewers please refer to the tabs above this post and under the lines "it is better to give than to receive."

I am sorry for those who sent me a PM about this. I am really sorry that the tabs aren't that visible. I hope you can click your way to the reviewers now and have fun reviewing. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Davao City - What is happening?

We must never lose hope! I believe these filthy criminals who are still at large will have their end SOON. They've already cost too many innocent lives. It's time to put a stop to it!

Friday, February 10, 2012

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back. wahahahaha!

I will be posting the new links soon. I will update this blog with a lot more links to help you earn money ONLINE. :D
